Status: Still groovin! 👍
In-world now: 10
Total Local Users: 191
Unique 30d Active Users: 1058
Total Regions: 11523 (standard 256m)
 Cost @ the bad place: $2,408,307/mo USD
Land ownership: 59% of users
Region ownership: 21% of users

Currently popular regions
Dead Lands
1 avatars
Desert Rose
1 avatars
indy transferbox
1 avatars
1 avatars

Snapshot of the moment...

OSBuntu Desitination Guide


These destinations are local places to visit, created by our Residents!

Shared ocean / wilderness area [PG]

Community land. Residents may feel free to *lightly* build here.

Asphodel Ballroom [Mature]

Beautiful ballroom in the mountains of Asphodel

Mare Angelorum [Mature]

Island archipelago

Hyacinth's Lounge and Bakoua Surfing Beach [Mature]

A beautiful dance and chill lounge overlooking the ocean. LGBT welcoming (and owned!!) You are valued. You are welcome. You are loved.

New Digs for souzz souz2 [PG]

change me

Native America - Saco River Estuary [PG]

Canoe landing and portage trail

New Resident Orientation Plaza [PG]

Lots of great tutorials on how to get around our world like a pro!

Bombshell! [PG]

Clutterfly super mall!

Groovyhomes! - Waponi Wu [Mature]

Free private island homes for groovy people!

Gapsgwamgitg - Crazy Waters Mi'qmaq Village [PG]

Terrain Sandbox! [PG]

Four huge sims to help you learn terraforming, and try out new ideas! Try it here, before you mess up your nice home. :)

Narrows Marina [Mature]

Come here to pick up a boat, and sail around our glorious world!

Sabet's islands [PG]


A gentle land to explore. Try walking, otherwise you'll miss a lot of hidden parts.

Shared Wilderness Cherie - Land [PG]

This is land that Groovt residents can use freely. Make a little cabin getaway. Go camping. Make a boat ramp. Whatever you wish. Just keep it pretty and be nice to others using it as well.

Group Sandbox for Free Stuff Members [Mature]

Welcome, New residents! This region is intended to be a safe space where you can learn how to use the viewer and alter your appearance. Enjoy this space and set your Home to Here. Please, no laggy items or scripts and no copybotted items.

Here Be Pirates! [PG]

Impregnable Island Stronghold o' the Clan Muckmire och aye! Terrors of the Humunga Sea Pillaging and Plunder our specialty! Keelhauling and Mainbracing available, Also quite friendly :)

Lake Doonatel [Mature]

Doona tell anyone!

Pacifica - Saailing sandbox! [PG]

Residents may feel free to help terraform the islands, or can create their own little low-prim places to visit and hang out. :) The terrain is huge and takes a LONNGGG time to load. Be patient! /*env: 4 10 1 1 0.1 dolphin*/

Ankiva lighthouse [PG]

A scenic spot

Rolling Hills Lodge [PG]

Mountain biking on over 100 regions of rolling hills and mountains, beautiful seacoast and dangerous valleys of mystery await!

The Haunted Seas [Mature]

36 Sims of painfully beautiful Gothic & Horror to explore. Hop aboard the spirit train. The Twisted Carnival, Whitechapel, Voodoo Bayou, Siren's Cove, Castle Dracule, hop:// Haunted Seas/325/357/43

Aurora's Realm [PG]

Medeival adult role play.

Cabin in the meadow [PG]

Available to a lover of forest and meadows

Olaf's world [PG]

Build by Avia Bonne & Cata Raven 2018

Wandering waves [Mature]

Beautiful islands to explore. Some home parcels available!

Great Western Railway [PG]

From Paddington to Penzance through the English countryside Ridable engines depart from platforms 1 & 2 at regular intervals. Circle Line for Dawlish Warren and Bath. ... Have Fun. :)

The Big Mamou! [PG]

A beautiful, funky shopping village and welcome area :)

Frog Pond [PG]

A natural geyser-fed spring in the middle of the Black Rock Desert.


This is a physics experiment. If this works well, we will be able to offer lots of free space for little homes along the water and LOTS of room, for sailing! :)

Activity Center [PG]

Dance, Relax and Chill with friends, while listening to smooth Jazz.

Angels Seas [PG]

Bayou [PG]

Swampy blues, swat flies, drink beer, go fishin' ....Watch out for the soggy bottom boys, they don't like strangers

Asphodel Ballroom [PG]

Beautiful ballroom in the mountains of Asphodel

Parrish Station [PG]

Experience the magic of GroovyVerse by rail!

Wakanda [PG]

Wakanda come and explore ! Open to the public. Come and meet the Olies ride an elephant. Explore and relax at Cozy Cafe Visit Chanty Town , Pamukale baths and lots more. Rumage through our freebies or just come and hang out at wakanda bar.

Admiral Grace [PG]

Years ago the population mysteriously disappeared... leaving a beautiful, largely undeveloped region available for colonization. :)

Isle of Eday [PG]

Remote island in the Scottish Orkneys, clifftop walks, safe cycling routes, youth hostel, B&B, Pub, Fingals Cave and more.Wet weather gear essential.No sunbathing please, it frightens the sheep!

Moloka'i [PG]

A beautiful remote island open to all to visit on your next sailing adventure. Moor your boat and enjoy the simple pleasures of island life... There is a public hot tub with an epic view. Part of the chain of Hawaiian Islands in Groovyverse.


Enjoy the Magical Fantasy Garden as well. Here you will find Elven Homes, Colorful Mushrooms, Trees, Butterflies, Fantasy Lamps, Giant Fruits, and other unique fantasy items created by Martin Spiritor and available for free in the Freebie Stores.

Aurora's Realm [PG]

Medeival adult role play.

Gateway to the Colonies [PG]

Last stop before the New World

Tanelorn - Beautiful waterfront land for new residents! [Mature]

Residential use, a public park space, or a small place to gather with friends. No big shops, malls or busy clubs. This is a pastoral landscape, so your build must blend in and not disturb the peace. GroovyVerse Residents only. Please read covenant

New York City [PG]

NYC is back, Subways running, Maceys and Ikea open, Kamikaze cab drivers everywhere.. Tourist areas safe and well policed but venture over Manhattan Bridge at your own risk. :)

nUUtopa Serenity [PG]

Nile Goddess Explore, Chill Out, Relax [PG]

Freebies around the region. If they are not to copy, Built by Isis Ophelia, trees + plants: legally freebies. Animals collected from the osgrid

Welcome to the Machine [PG]

Due to the increased use by mermaids of the swimming pool as a public urinal it has become necessary to install an up to the minute filtration Ariadne. Students of the works of Joseph Bazalgette may appreciate this contrivance..

Tricksy Sea - Beautiful waterfront land for new residents! [PG]

Residential use, a public park space, or a small place to gather with friends. No big shops, malls or busy clubs. This is a pastoral landscape, so your build must blend in and not disturb the peace. GroovyVerse Residents only. Please read covenant

Roseshade Creek Mining Co [PG]

There be gold in them there hills :)

Kora - A beautiful Buddhist Island [PG]

Asphodel [PG]

Where ancient places and ways, meet the future! A community for Pagan and other nature / earth centered spirituality.

Lavendel - Fixer-upper waiting for YOU! [Mature]

This is a cute little town set up like a college campus. Looking for a new volunteer owner to improve it. Contact Hyacinth for details! :)

Builder's Academy! [PG]

Sandbox and building tutorials!

Lazy Hollow Campground [PG]

A home away from home, for the vagabond who doesn't want to be tied down! Any resident can set their home to here, and pitch a tent, park a camper, build a tree fort. :) make group "Groovy People" active, and you can build and set home here.

NYC Speedway [PG]

Grab a bike and go for it!. Have Fun!

Wakanda [PG]

Wakanda come and explore ! Open to the public. Come and meet the Olies ride an elephant. Explore and relax at Cozy Cafe Visit Chanty Town , Pamukale baths and lots more. Rumage through our freebies or just come and hang out at wakanda bar.

Groovyhomes - Tara region [Mature]

Hyacinth Jean Landry - Queen of the Fricken Metaverse [Mature]

I am no longer running for office. Alleluia!

Dees Dance Club world [Mature]

Brilliant home and Dance club, explore and enjoy !

RuthToo & RothToo @ The Big Mamou! [PG]

Shopping for RuthToo & RothToo

Home and Building Collection [PG]

Welcome! This is a collection of houses and buildings provided by - At this time, this region is for local residents only, to help us determine the quality of items.

The Sandy Coaast [Mature]

A Naturist, clothing optional region. Featuring sailing, swimming, surfing, dancing, yoga, and cuddle spots for you and your honey. No child avatars

Skookumchuck - Social hall and wildreness area [PG]

Skookumchuck lies on the frontier edge of our Native America project. Hundreds of SL size regions, depicting the pre-contact sacred landscape of New England, Canada and beyond!

Mi'kmaq Village: Nujiwsiget Kun'tew [PG]

A village nestled into the hills near a rocky coast. *Hyacinth's translation of "Fortuneteller Rocks"

Aranyani's Island [Mature]

Airport [PG]

change me

Anjuna Hilltop [PG]

Surf Lab! [Mature]

Come check out our surfing system in development!

Writer's Corner [PG]

Pick a camping spot for your writing. Free rentals for dedicated writers. /*Windlight Sky: "Annyka's Soft Lavender Day" Water: "[TOR]Trandshan" Sky @ 95m to 195m: "Nacon's Natural Dark START"RegionOverride*/

Hang Gliding [PG]

Hang gliding sim


A little bit of everything, sofa, chair, table, dining, fireplace, lights, lamp, patio, bathroom, living room, dining, bar, gorean, bed, dresser, bedroom, *guide*

Seven Flags Fun Park! [PG]

We have an extra flag!!! :)

New Digs for souzz souz3 [PG]

change me

Hyawaytha Falls [PG]

A hidden waterfall in our vast wilderness continent.

Script Library from Outworldz [PG]

Free scripts for everyone! Thanks to all the generous people who donated their scripts for this library to share for us all.

Hyacinth's Place! [PG]

Hyacinths relaxing little club, art gallery and nonsense shop.

Shared Wilderness Cherie - Land [Mature]

This is land that Groovt residents can use freely. Make a little cabin getaway. Go camping. Make a boat ramp. Whatever you wish. Just keep it pretty and be nice to others using it as well.

Your Parcel [Mature]

Land for Groovy Residents [Mature]

Residential only please. No shops, malls, etc. Residents must visit once per month to retain ownership of land.

Sagan Chapel [Mature]

Builder's Supply Depot [PG]

Lots of full perm mesh and sculptie templates, scripts and textures!!

Inisfree Central Hub [PG]

Central Hub for the Orkney regions.

Ley Line [PG]

Am More focused on building objects in my region so its kind of empty in a way or full of spaces. I can only relax and be inspired in empty spaces. Yet am always developing new ideas so things might change at any given moment however with the same style.

Garden Center [PG]

Linda Kellie's Garden Center.. plus a whole lot of new stuff! Plants, trees, flowers, waterfalls, tree houses! all kinda things for a nice garden and still adding new stuff *guide*

Willywag Boat Launch [PG]

A great little place to hang out or launch a boat and explore the northern seas!

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©2025 - Hyacinth Jean Landry
Queen of the Metaverse

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A peaceful community to explore, make friends from all over the world, and create beautiful places.

We offer a secure environment where residents and content creators can thrive!

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