Category Archives: GroovyVerse

Mini WebGL worlds for GroovyVerse

This week, I converted our entire grid to GLTF format (viewable as WebGL in a web browser). I was thinking of adding a feature for region owners where they can select a small area, maybe 128x128m of their region, and create a little web presence for their region. So if friends do not want to take the plunge and download Firestorm and all that… they can visit the region in a limited fashion as a teaser.

I probably shouldn’t be posting this, because the guy on that other grid will probably suddenly come up with this same brilliant idea too, and be interviewed in Forbes magazine next week. haha

UU Metaverse

The First Unitarian Church of the Metaverse is a long term project to offer lay led church services, as well as discussion and support groups. We would really love to become a great resource for LGBTQ people to find a supportive community.

We are located in OpenSim, at GroovyVerse, and will also offer services and events via video conference, for visitors via the web,

Stay tuned!