Category Archives: Ramblings

It serves me right…

Tonight I installed Windows 10 on my desktop computer. I have run Linux exclusively for almost 20 years. I managed to get it running beautiful, and was able to test the custom Firestorm viewer software that I had compiled. That came out gorgeous as well.

But.. in the process, the entire boot partition for my Linux OS got wiped out. Oops 🙂

So I am posting this tale of woe, from a Live Linux usb stick, while I rescue all my files. Luckily all my files are still there, and I can listen to my music collection. 🙂

Positive Vibes (mostly)

I am setting up this blog as a way to regain some control of my life.

There are a lot of things you have to do in life. Eat, breathe, go to work, pay your rent or mortgage. Believe it or not, you DON’T have to be on Facebook, or participate in other activity that affects your life negatively.

I hope to fill this space with posts about the creative work my friends and I are doing. Spiritual insights. Some experiences and thoughts about my gender transition. Life hacks. Cool science and humanities stories.

There is a lot of negativity out there. You can create a space that’s yours, where you can recharge your batteries. It’s actually not illegal. 🙂